Contributing Data
US Academic Research Fleet (ARF)
If you led or participated in a research cruise aboard the US ARF, the R2R Program will ensure that the raw multibeam data acquired is made available at the NOAA Archive. Even if no one who participated in your cruise processed that data,once the data are made available, our team will download and process the data for integration into GMRT.
Processed swath files
If you or someone who participated in your cruise did process the data and can provide processed swath files, please contact us so we can prioritize that data for inclusion into GMRT.
We are currently revising our tools to enable scientists and operations teams who routinely process multibeam data to perform some of the QA/QC checks that we perform before integrating data into GMRT. Once tested and documented, these tools will be made available for direct download and use by the community. If you are interested in using our tools to QA/QC data, please contact us.